Benefit Bloc offers 9-5 support. Feel free to give us a call, send us an email, or request an appointment.
In office visits are by appointment only. Phones are monitored during business hours.
It depends! We take time with each client to do a deep assessment of their location, the number of employees, budget, and current benefits to see what is needed. What we do know is that employees, like anyone, want to go where they feel most valued. Employees of all skill sets are being courted today like never before. If you’re not offering them something in the way of a comprehensive benefits package, you’re going to have a difficult time hiring. If you're looking for employee benefits providers, give us a call!
Benefits packages have always been popular. They’ve only become more popular as the economy has grown. The danger of reverting to a time when employers took their employees for granted is unlikely. This market is one where employees are going to continue fleeing jobs that fail to offer things like health insurance and a 401(k). We will see these employees move to firms with excellent benefits packages. Employee benefits providers are going to be a great help to businesses.
Most of those big providers don’t offer the flexibility we do. They’ll give you a single package for all of your employees, even though employees are different and don’t require the same benefits, and they’ll charge you for it. Why pay more for benefits your employees don’t want or need? We have great small group insurance options.
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